Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I owe you, I know, I'm sorry

Let me show you why I didn't blog through the use of bullet points.

  • I began to have a toothache the Sunday before last. Being macho, I ignored it until
  • I go to the dentist where they take
  • ALL OF THE POSSIBLE MONEY that I have in the world.
  • did I mention that I HAVE to register for school and classes that week, and that this also costs all the possible money?
  • My former college refused to send transcripts to my new college, or to explain why for days
  • My former college finally agreed to send transcripts, but it was too late to help that much
  • I had to yell and cry at my new college to get them to even let me take one class this next semester
  • the yelling and crying part was easy because when they took all my money they also cut into my gum in a pretty intense way. It was gross.

In conclusion: I didn't do any running last week, and I didn't blog either. Sorry! I owe you! I hope it helps to know that I have exciting plans for this blog in the very near future. I even have a few post ideas.

Goodnight everyone, I'll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Website Recommendation: See Jane Run

In my constant search for feminist and fat-positive (or at least fat-neutral) resources for athletes i've found some good resources. There is a great running store in San Francisco called See Jane Run that is owned by women, and helps women find resources for running and other endurance sports at any size. So far they come the closest to passing the Menville test of anything that I have found. The mentions of weight and weightloss are few and far between, and mostly in a personal context i.e. one woman wanted to gain fitness by losing weight and took up running even though she felt embarrassed to be running as a plus size woman. She worked hard and became fit and is very proud of herself. I'm proud of her too. It can be hard to be a runner when you don't look like what people expect you to look like. I sometimes feel judged on my runs when I notice people looking at me. I get nervous when I end my runs on a busy street because I feel like people assume that I am too tired because of my size and not because I just finished running 3 miles. I'm happy that she has gotten fit, and I am happy that she likes her body now. I am also happy that she was able to train to run in a friendly environment that focused on her activity level more than on her size.

See Jane Run is the best resource I have found so far, and I want to give them a ton of credit for the things that they do well. I get the impression from their site that they don't bring up weightloss as a goal unless you do, and that even then the focus is on activity and heatlh with weightloss as a side effect. That is pretty damned good, and I have to give them love for that even though I wish they were more in your face political about what they do, you can't discount the good that they do on an individual and community basis. How about stocking sports bras all the way through E cups, focusing on performance and ability, and for having an awesome manifesto:

Here's to you.

The broad-shouldered, the knock-kneed, the pigeon-toed, the small-breasted, the wide-hipped, the long-waisted, the short-legged, the stocky, and the skinny. And yes even the perfectly proportioned. May you live long, enjoy dessert, and never stop laughing.

While See Jane Run might not always pass the Menville Test, and they occasionally veer into cliched shopping and chocolate style sisterhood instead of my preferred in your face political activism they will probably listen to you and respect you if you don't want to lose weight. They'll listen to you and respect you if you do want to too. I have to respect that. See Jane Run gets a thumbs up from me.

Any other feminist sports resources out there? Share them if you've got them, we're all in this together.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Workout Recap 7-6-10

Workout Recap 7-6-2010
Distance: 2.7 miles
Warmup: 5 Minutes brisk walk (on the beach! very pleasant)
Running Time: 28 minutes
Cool Down: 5 minute walk
Water Breaks: 1
Most Valuable Song: Travelin' Thru Dolly Parton
Overall Pace: 10.44 minute miles

So I am adding another category to the Workout Recap: Overall Pace. Why? Well remember when I got super excited for running a mile in under 12 minutes? My very next workout I ran 2.5 miles in 25 minutes. Gentle readers with more than a passing interest in counting will note that means that I ran 10 minute miles, which is a new Personal Record. Today my pace of 10.44 was slower, but I am definitely heading in the right direction! Too bad that this direction has brought me two giant blisters today.

In other news, if you are wondering what training program I used to get up and get running from a largely stationary lifestyle, you can check out the program I use here. The site is great, but it doesn't always pass the Menville test, and if you are non-male bodied you know what they say about exercise tips from scientific studies done on men.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sports Science Doesn't Care About Women

The New York Times has an article about women in sports science that is in turn both infuriating and interesting. See, once upon a time Dr. David Rowlands (a senior lecturer with Massey University's Institute of Food, Nutrition, and Human Health among other impressive things) wanted to know if consuming protein during or directly after a workout would improve the body's recovery. The thing is that Dr. Rowlands was apparently only interested in studying how this would effect male athletes, since he used exclusively male athletes for his study. He discovered that men who ingested protein directly after a difficult cycling session performed much better on difficult cycling sessions the next day. He published his study (which was in line with conventional wisdom according to the NYT article) and went on skipping about his merry scientist life.

Now, here is where this article gets exciting. Apparently, female cyclists approached Dr. Rowlands and asked to be included in any further research on endurance athletics. Because he was bored or something (really the article says "almost as an afterthought") he replicated the experiment using female athletes. It turns out that ingesting protein does bupkiss for female endurance athletes' performance, and in fact participants complained that their muscles were more sore than average after the workout. "DEAR SCIENCE, ARE YOU AWARE THAT WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME?" you might find yourself screaming at the device on which you are reading this article. Fear not, gentle reader, the Grey Lady knows what you are thinking. Here is the next sentence in the article:

"Scientists know, of course, that women are not men. But they often rely on male subjects exclusively, particularly in the exercise-science realm, where, numerically, fewer female athletes exist to be studied. But when sports scientists recreate classic men-only experiments with distaff subjects, the women often react quite differently." (emphasis mine)

Here is where I began to be annoyed. Didn't female athletes approach Dr. Rowlands and offer to be studied? In fact this article implies that he had SO MANY new female subjects that they repeated the experiment AS AN AFTERTHOUGHT. I believe that there are currently numerically fewer athletes to study but it appears that even though there are fewer female athletes in general there are enough available to perform studies on. In fact, there were enough IN THIS VERY SITUATION TO RUN THIS VERY EXPERIMENT WITH WOMEN. Throwing in the fact that there are numerically fewer female athletes does not excuse only running tests on men. The real question is whether there are enough female athletes to run studies like this with, and the answer to that question is yes there fucking are.

The article goes on to conclude that this study is inconclusive. More studies would have to be run to determine whether or not the findings were accurate, and further studies still to find out if/why women reacted differently, and if they shouldn't be consuming protein directly following a workout what should they be consuming? The take away point is this: most studies in sports science are done on men. Men are not women, and women should not take exercise science advice when the studies are done on men, or maybe they should, but no one really knows for sure because sports science doesn't care about women.

This is extremely troubling. Not only do female athletes have to put up with constant social pressures not to excel, not to compete, and not to beat the boys, but then scientists are giving men every possible scientifically verified edge, and giving women advice that is at best NOT harmful, and at worst, could hurt athletic performance and lead to injury.

It isn't just research that boosts performance that leaves women out either, studies done on the prevention and treatment of sports injury are largely male-only studies. Goodie, I guess I had better hope that I don't incur injury by following the advice of male only performance studies, and then take longer to recover because I am treating my injury in the manner prescribed by my doctor based on male only sports injury studies.

Society values male participation in sports over women's to the extent that we have made it more dangerous/difficult for women to participate at all. Is it any wonder that there are "numerically fewer" female athletes to study?

It makes me wonder what the world of sports would look like if equal attention were paid towards female athletes. What if little girls were shoved into athletics with the same reckless abandon as little boys are into pop warner football? What if the science of sports were equally focused on optimizing female distance running performance? Even feminists tend to view the achievement gap in sports as a physical reality: women are slower/smaller/weaker/easier to injure than men by nature. Maybe some of that is true, but maybe some of it isn't. We won't know for sure what the female body is capable of until we start taking female athletics at least as seriously as their male counterparts.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Motivational Mondays - 2010 LA marathon highlight reel


My favorite part of this video is that all the finishers seem as excited as the winners. One of my favorite things about running is that I can engage my competitive nature without necessarily competing against others. I'm just out there to see what I can do when I put my mind to it.

Workout Recap 7-4-2010
Distance: 2.5 miles
Warmup: 5 Minutes brisk walk (on the beach! very pleasant)
Running Time: 25 minutes
Cool Down: 5 minute walk
Water Breaks: 0
Most Valuable Song: 9 to 5 Dolly Parton

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Workout Recap 6-29-10 through 7-1-10 and the importance of recovery

Distance: .33 miles (about six city blocks)
Warmup: Thinking about it for a few hours while my partner and I shivered on the couch together
Running Time: No actual running, but I did break a sweat by the time I'd finished block one.
Cool Down: One day
Water Breaks: none
Most Valuable Song: None. There was no joy in this.

I went on vacation last week to sunny San Diego to visit friends and relatives and I was so excited to take my training on the road. I was really looking forward to running in a totally new place, perhaps with an exciting trail recommended to me by the clerk at the hotel. Actually what happened is that I got a horrible stomach bug on day 2/3 and spent the next few days feeling awful. I wanted to go running when I first got sick, because I only felt a bit crampy and overtired but I resisted the impulse and instead rested up. I can only thank my lucky stars that I did, because even with that precaution I've been laid up for the last two days feeling miserable and awful. The closest thing I got to a workout was my trip to the grocery store to get drugs, ginger ale, and canned soup for myself and my partner. It was the least I could do after infecting him while he was taking care of me. As things stand I'm hoping to feel well enough tomorrow or the next day to take an extremely easy run and get back into things. The moral of the story is that when you are sick, you should rest, and then you will feel better faster and be healthier in the long run.

At least that's the plan. I'll let you know how it goes.