Sunday, June 6, 2010

The way it could be

Today I went for a really long hike with a friend of mine. We talked about what we referred to as our "come to Jesus" moments, where, when, and how we discovered feminism. We shared, we sweated, we hiked ever closer to the top of the mountain. It wasn't all serious talk, we spent a few minutes talking about the kind of dogs we loved and our favorite places to eat out.

What is notable about our conversation, is how notable it is. Part of why I started this blog was because it seemed that everywhere I turned for support in living an active lifestyle, all I got was a big dose of fat-shaming articles on how I should really participate in a "cleanse" to get all the dirty dirty toxins (and FOOD!) out of my body. I don't want diet tips, I want a hiking buddy. I don't want to discuss my weight, I want to check out the teeny tiny lizards that crawl all over SoCal and still seem strange to little old midwestern me. See? Isn't that much more interesting than a discussion of how I would be a happier, safer, more accessible, friendlier, lovelier, sexier, smarter, healthier version of myself if I dropped 50 pounds? Yes. Yes it is.

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